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Origin of the Bernedoodle


The first Bernedoodles came into the world thanks to crossbreeding carried out by an American breeder, who decided to register the puppies and give them the name Bernedoodle. This name is the combination of the names of the two parent breeds, the Bernese Mountain Dogs (berne-) and the poodles (-doodle). This birth occurred in 2003, at which time the origin of the Bernedoodle breed was established.


Currently, the breed does not appear as an independent breed, as it is considered simply a cross between two breeds. However, it is widely accepted, although an official standard for it is not established. There is a variation of the breed called the Australian Bernedoodle, as it arises from the cross between the Bernedoodle and the Australian Labradoodle.


Bernedoodle Characteristics


The Bernedoodle is normally a large sized dog. However, we must clarify that there are three types of Bernedoodle depending on their size, since large, small or toy specimens can be born in the same litter due to the differences that exist between the parent breeds.


Bernedoodle toy: weighing between 4 and 11 kilograms and a height at the withers of between 30 and 44 centimeters. Although it is called "toy", it is not a real miniature dog, but rather a classification within this hybrid breed, since toy dogs do not usually exceed 3 kg in weight.


Small Bernedoodle: weighing between 11 and 22 kilograms and 45-57 centimeters tall. As in the previous case, this type of Bernedoodle really falls within the group of medium-sized dogs.


Standard Bernedoodle: weighing 30 to 40 kilograms and 58-74 centimeters tall at the withers.


In the same way that the size of each dog can differ even if they were born in the same litter, the coat also varies, which is why there are specimens with straight hair and others with curly hair, although the latter are the most common. This coat is hypoallergenic, which is one of the reasons why the breed has become extremely popular.


Continuing with the characteristics of the Bernedoodle, the head of this dog is very proportionate, as is its muzzle, so that it is neither very wide nor very thin. The eyes are medium-sized, as are the ears, which are triangular and set high.


The life expectancy of the Bernedoodle is between approximately 12 and 15 years, being normally lower in larger specimens.


Bernedoodle Colors


The typical colors of the Bernedoodle dog are those that most closely resemble those of the Bernese Mountain Dog, whose coat is tricolor (black, tan and white). In this case, it is also common to see a white stripe that begins on the forehead and runs across the entire belly. Even so, there are specimens that are only one color, as occurs in the poodle. In this case, they are usually different shades of gray or brown. Likewise, the Bernese Mountain Dog pattern is common, with the white stripe, but two colors instead of three, as well as with different colors, such as black and white, white and gray, etc.


Bernedoodle puppy


Little Bernedoodles are incredibly cute, as they are little balls of fur that love cuddles and games. However, it is in this vital stage when dogs of this breed have a more stubborn character, being extremely stubborn. This stubbornness can make their training difficult, so it is considered necessary to start their education as soon as possible. Of course, it is essential that the puppy remains with its mother and siblings until natural weaning occurs, which usually occurs around two or three months of age, since it is with its mother that it begins the socialization process and responsible for transmitting the first teachings. A premature adoption can cause behavioral problems in the future by having hindered this process. Discover How to socialize a puppy correctly once weaned and adopted.


Bernedoodle character


This mixed breed dog stands out for its affable, peaceful and reserved character. They tend to develop a certain dependence on members of their family, but are extremely distrustful of strangers. For this reason, the Bernedoodle does not usually tolerate loneliness well, especially if it has not been trained for it. In fact, you can even develop depression or separation anxiety. In this way, it is a dog that needs attention and a lot of love. It is not a good dog for those who spend a lot of time away from home or cannot dedicate the quality time it needs, playing, walking or doing any other activity in its company.


On the other hand, if it has been socialized correctly, the Bernedoodle fits perfectly with families with children, since it loves to play with them and spend hours together. Likewise, it adapts well to life with older people or in homes where other dogs, cats or animals already live. However, an adequate presentation must always be carried out to avoid possible problems of coexistence and tolerance.


Lastly, the Bernedoodle is attentive and intelligent due to the heritage of the poodle, which represents one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. For this reason, intelligence games are perfect for this mixed breed. Likewise, it is important to highlight that, at times, it can be somewhat territorial, as it seeks to protect its people from possible threats, although it is not an aggressive dog. He is also not a barker, only when he considers there is potential danger and feels the need to warn.


Bernedoodle Care


One of the most important care for the Bernedoodle is daily physical exercise, which should be of moderate-high intensity. This is essential because it is a fairly energetic dog, which if not exercised enough can suffer both physical and mental alterations. Therefore, it is usually best to combine calm walks with games and high-intensity physical activities, such as races or agility circuits.


It is also important to highlight that the diet must be adjusted to the size of each specimen, always choosing high quality foods, since good nutrition is the basis of good health. This diet can be based on feed, homemade food or a mixed diet that combines both foods. In the case of a homemade or mixed diet, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian specialized in nutrition in order to cover the nutritional needs of the Bernedoodle correctly.


On the other hand, maintaining the coat is also part of Bernedoodle care, especially in curly-haired specimens. Thus, it is advisable to brush him regularly, about two or three times a week, and visit the dog groomer from time to time, since these dogs do not lose as much hair and dead hair can accumulate, something totally counterproductive. As for bathing, it should be carried out when strictly necessary.


Bernedoodle Education


As we have already mentioned, it is very important to start training your Bernedoodle as soon as possible. Even if you adopt it as an adult, you should know that, due to its incredible intelligence, it usually adapts very quickly and internalizes new knowledge in an amazing way.


Since one of the main "problems" of the Bernedoodle dog is that it is usually very stubborn, positive reinforcement becomes even more important in this hybrid breed. Thus, training it with rewards, words of encouragement or caresses will allow you to obtain excellent results because the animal will remain motivated and willing to continue learning. Don't miss our article on How to train a dog to be clear about where to start and how.


On the other hand, remember that this is a dog that does not tolerate loneliness, so another aspect to take into account when training the Bernedoodle is this. It is essential that you get him used to being alone by helping him associate that moment with positive stimuli, since this way the animal will be calm in your absence and so will you. To do this, consult this article: "How to get a dog used to being alone?"


In general, they are such intelligent dogs and are so attentive that they do not take long to learn, so with very few repetitions they assimilate the command or modification in behavior that we want to transmit. Even so, as happens in any animal, it may happen that they resist certain learning; in these cases it is vital not to despair and, above all, not to use punishment. Patience, calm and perseverance are always the main keys.

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